Meyer Used E-46 E-47 Sump Base Plow Pump Diamond

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Meyer Replacement Base part # 15573.


This is a good used sump base for a Meyer E46 or E47. This is the early style base that only uses the 2 drains on the front. Does not have the third drain like the newer ones. If you are looking for the new style we have them listed here. Some of these use 3 holes and some have 4 at the angling block. Both work the same. You will not get the one in the picture however, it will be a good used comparable base. Make sure you also pick up a basic seal kit, the Genuine Meyer fluid you need and the Meyer yellow paint to do a proper rebuild. If you are doing this yourself, below we have links to the service manuals to walk you through the rebuild.


E-47, E-46 Complete Service Rebuild Manual.

E-47, E-47H,  E-46, E-46H Parts Break Down.


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