SnowEx TrynEx Spreader Motor D6106 and D6107 Transmission SP575 SP1075 SP3000 SP6000

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SnowEx Spreader Motor and Transmission.


An Aftermarket Spreader Motor and Transmission set. This is part # 50086K. This is used on a number of different spreaders.

The transmission is part # D6107, the motor is D6106 and the coupler is part # D6232.

This has a ratio of 8:1.

The motor has a few different part numbers, and from what we can tell it is just a difference in the plug style. The numbers we have for the motor possibilities are: D6106, D6214, D6827, 75901, 72690 and 75626.

The SnowEx part #'s are D6107 , 75640 , 83722, and 51028. The Spinner transmission for the SP2000, SP-575,  SP-575X, SP-1075, SP-1075X, SP-575V, SP-1575, SP-1575-1, .35 Helixx, .7 Helixx, VX-1500, SP-3000, SP-6000, SP-7500, SP-7550.

Western Part # 75640, 83722,  .35 Striker , .7 Striker, 525 Pro-flo

Fisher Part # 75640, 83722,  .35 Steel-caster , .7 Steel-caster, 525 Speed-caster

SnowEx made this for other companies too, like 

Curtis Fast Cast 2000 and Fast Cast 175, Transmission 1CS1P53.

Buyers also uses this as a replacement for gearbox # 9032001.

Meyer part # 37204 for the 10.75 Ez-flow.

We also sell the transmission alone without the motor and that is part # D6107 or 59075.

We have the motor alone as part # D6106, or 50086.


Some information on the transmission: it has a 5/8" shaft that sticks out 5-7/8" from the seal to the end and there are two drilled 3/16" holes in the shaft with a 3-15/16" spread on them.

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More Information
Part type Motors
Spreader Brand Snowex, Curtis
Spreader Drive Type Electric
Spreader Style Hitch mount
Spreader Feed type Auger

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