



From their facility in Milwaukee Wisconsin, Western Products offers commercial, municipal and personal-use plows for any occasion and the toughest weather. With over 70 years of experience, their snow plows provide top-quality solutions to your snow removal needs. With the combined knowledge of the Douglas Dynamic brands, they are at the top of the industry.

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  1. Western MVP Plus 9 1/2 (9 6) Poly V-Plow Ultramount Snow Plow
  2. New Western MVP Plus 8 1/2 (8 6) Ultramount Poly V-Plow
  3. Western Midweight 7 1/2 (7 6) Poly Ultramount Snow Plow
  4. Western Suburbanite 6'8" Poly Snow Plow SUV Plow
  5. Western Suburbanite 7' 4" Snow Plow SUV Light Truck
  6. Western Ultramount 7 1/2 (7'6) Pro-Plow Poly Snow Plow
  7. Western Ultramount 8' Pro-Plow Poly Snow Plow
  8. NEW Western Poly MVP 3 9-1/2 Winged V-Plow Ultramount Snow Plow
  9. NEW Western MVP 3 Poly 8-1/2 Winged V-Plow Ultramount Snow Plow
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